Meet the WA research team

The PREDICT research team at Perth Children’s Hospital has recently expanded with a number of new research nurses.  From left: Lisa Properjohn, Jacqueline Noonan, Sharon O’Brien and Meredith Borland taking a well earned break.

Project Snapshot – Asthma Retrospective Study

Asthma retrospective study – nearly there, and a huge “Thank you” to everyone involved.

Recruitment stats:
  • Nearly all sites have finished data entry, and we have over 14,000 entries into RedCAP.
Next steps:
  • Data checking and cleaning.
  • Abstract preparation with a view to PAS meeting next year.

It’s very exciting to be this close to the finish line. We are very grateful for all of the work that has gone into this at all sites. It has been a huge effort by everyone involved!

Some (very) preliminary results were presented at the PREDICT member’s meeting, however, we won’t have complete information until all of the data are checked and cleaned. Please keep an eye out for emails and data queries. It would be fantastic if they could be completed by the end of November to allow us time to prepare some abstracts for PAS.

Finally, if you have any specific research questions that you think we could use the data to answer, please contact Simon (

Donna Franklin completes her PhD

Congratulations to Donna Franklin for completing her PhD with a PREDICT project and publishing in the New England Journal of Medicine.  Donna has since been nominated for the Dean’s Award in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland.  We wish her all the best for her research future and hope for future collaboration across ICU and PREDICT.



PREDICT members meeting 2019 well attended

This year’s PREDICT members meeting was held in Perth at the Pan-Pacific Hotel – aligned to precede the PAC meeting.

Forty-six of our members attended for the one day meeting on Thursday 24th October – which included many brief and punchy presentations that covered a lot of ground!

The dinner was held on the evening  on Wednesday 23rd October at the Sentinel Bar and Grill where we enjoyed some great food and celebrated our success!

Thanks to all or our presenters, chairs and members for attending and making it a worthwhile and stimulating meeting!

Elyssia Bourke presents to the group.

Getting to know you. Meet new member Jemma Dunnill

Our “Getting to Know You” segment ensures PREDICT members are aware of new members, their interests and areas of expertise and where they are located.  This month we introduce Jemma Dunnill from Perth Children’s Hospital.

“I work at Perth Children’s Hospital, Western Australia’s specialist paediatric hospital and trauma centre. I work as both a Registered Nurse and as a Nurse Researcher within the Emergency Department. In my role as part of the research team I am responsible for patient follow up and clinical data collection for studies currently underway in the department. I feel privileged to be actively involved in internationally recognised research, and to be able to contribute to the health and wellbeing of young people and their families.”



New PREDICT publication

Singh S, Cheek JA, Babl FE, Hoch JS. Choosing the discount rate in an economic analysis. Emerg Med Australas. 2019 Aug 4. doi: 10.1111/1742-6723.13369.
PMID: 31379134 [Epub ahead of print]  [link].

Getting to know you – meet Jeremy Friend

Our “Getting to Know You” segment ensures PREDICT members are aware of new members, their interests and areas of expertise and where they are located.  This month we introduce Jeremy Friend from University Hospital Geelong and RCH.

‘I am a FACEM and PEM working at University Hospital Geelong (UHG) and the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne (RCH). I started at UHG this year and am keen to involve myself in more paediatric research there. I have been lucky to experience and recruit for many projects done through the RCH Emergency and am looking forward to taking a more active role in research.’


Getting to know you – meet Marietta John

Our “Getting to Know You” segment ensures PREDICT members are aware of new members, their interests and areas of expertise and where they are located.  This month we introduce Marietta John from Monash Emergency Research Group.

“My name is Marietta John-White and I have recently started as a Research Coordinator with the Monash Emergency Research Group. Prior to this I have studied and worked for the last 12 years in the fields of Microbiology and Biochemistry, and also completed my PhD in these research areas at CSIRO and Monash University.

However, I have always longed to work in an area where I could contribute in any way to research that would have a direct and positive impact on improving human health. Therefore during my PhD, I worked part-time for a year in research at the Institute of Safety, Compensation and Recovery Research, which was affiliated with WorkSafe, Victoria and Traffic Accident Commission (TAC).

I am very excited about starting this role as a Research Coordinator at the Paediatric Emergency Department where I will be assisting with organisation, planning and implementation of projects undertaken by members of the group which would include the amazing MRFF Million Minds Projects.”


BREAKING NEWS – NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence grant application successful!

We are very excited to announce that we have received NHMRC (National Health and Medical Research Council)  CRE funding ($2.5m) for the next 5 years which will support us to continue our PREDICT research plans.

The application was a massive collaborative effort from many people across many sites and thanks goes to all involved in this successful application.

We will discuss the CRE at the next PREDICT members meeting in Perth in October and look forward to an exciting and productive future for PREDICT!