New project information available

Information to support new project applications has been added to the research resources tab on the PREDICT website.

These include a:

  • New project application template
  • Project flow chart

Take the time to check out this useful information.

Call for nominations on PREDICT Executive

This is a call to all PREDICT members for nominations from anyone wishing to be considered for the following positions on the PREDICT Executive:

  • PhD scholar – open to a PhD candidate, term of one year, current incumbent is Elliot Long, based at RCH, Victoria.
  • Research Assistant  – open to a non-medical persons for term of one year, current incumbent is Kelly Foster, based at LCCH, Queensland.

Please note:

  • A role on the Executive requires active involvement in monthly meetings about the networks operations (6 x teleconference and 4  x 1 day face to face meetings per year of which 3 are in Melbourne and 1 elsewhere. Expenses paid to attend).  It also involves frequent communication and follow up of issues as they arise on a weekly basis.
  • You can nominate yourself for one or more positions if eligible.
  • Current incumbents can nominate themselves for another 1 year term.
  • You can nominate another person for one or more positions but they must agree to be nominated. This will be confirmed by us.
  • There can be multiple people nominated for each position.  The decision for appointment of these particular positions will be made by the PREDICT Executive.  NB. A person can only be appointed to one position.

What to do:

  • If you wish to nominate yourself or someone else email with the following information:
    – Which position/s you wish to nominate for
    – Your title and name
    – Your craft group and current position held
    – Where you are located ie. organisation and state
    **Nominations must be received by COB Friday 13th of October 2017**

What happens next?

  • Once we have the nominations the existing PREDICT Executive will select the incumbents.
  • The people selected to the PREDICT Executive positions will be announced at the Members meeting on 25/10/17.


New PREDICT publications

The following PREDICT publications are available:

Deane HC, Wilson CL, Babl FE, Dalziel SR, Cheek JA, Craig SS, Oakley E, Borland M, Cheng NG, Zhang M, Cotterell E, Schuster T, Krieser D, on behalf of the PREDICT Research Network. PREDICT prioritisation study: establishing the research priorities of paediatric emergency medicine physicians in Australia and New Zealand. Emerg Med J.  Published Online First: 30 August 2017. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2017-206727

Hoysted C, Babl FE, Kassam-Adams N, Landolt MA, Jobson L, Curtis S, Kharbanda AB, Lyttle MD, Parri N, Stanley R, Alisic E. Perspectives of hospital emergency department staff on trauma-informed care for injured children: An Australian and New Zealand analysis. J Paediatr Child Health. 2017 Aug 6. doi: 10.1111/jpc.13644. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28782226.

Buntsma D, Lithgow A, O’Neill E, Palmer D, Morris P, Acworth J, Babl FE.for the Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments
International Collaborative (PREDICT). Patterns of paediatric emergency presentations to a tertiary referral centre in the Northern Territory. Emergency Medicine Australasia. July 25 2017 doi: 10.1111/1742-6723.12853.

PREDICT dinner payments due

The PREDICT members meeting is fast approaching.  If you have indicated on your Trybooking registration that you will be attending the dinner on 25/10/17 at Hurricane’s Grill and Bar please make payment into the specified bank account as instructed on the PREDICT website

Full payment must be made prior to the dinner as we will be charged for the number booked regardless of numbers attending on the night. The deadline for payment is 18/10/17.

If payment has not been received by the deadline it will be assumed you are not attending and your reservation will be cancelled.

New Zealand members to pay upon arrival at the registration desk on day 1 of the members meeting.  Payment will not be collected at the restaurant.

If you have any questions call Marian on (03) 9936 6049.


Deferred consent paper accepted

Congratulations to Jeremy Furyk and the Deferred Consent team.  The project publication entitled “Qualitative evaluation of a deferred consent process in paediatric emergency research: A PREDICT study” has been accepted for publication in BMJ Open.

Virtual Team of the Month – RCH

Each month we feature photos of a research team at one of our sites to help put faces to the names we frequently email. This month meet some of the team at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne.


Clockwise from left: Ashley Hill, Amanda Williams and Dani Van Den Dungen.

New PREDICT publications

The following PREDICT publications are now available:

Hoeppner T., Borland M., Babl FE., Neutze J., Phillips N., Krieser D., Dalziel SR., Davidson A., Donath S., Jachno K South M., Williams A., Zhang G., Oakley E., Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments International Collaborative (PREDICT). Influence of weather on incidence of bronchiolitis in Australia and New Zealand. J Paediatr Child Health. 2017 Jul 20. doi: 10.1111/jpc.13614. [Epub ahead of print]  PMID: 28727197.

Long E., Oakley E., Duke T., Babl FE., Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments International Collaborative (PREDICT). The Clinical Utility of Respiratory Variation in Inferior Vena Cava Diameter for Predicting Fluid Responsiveness in Spontaneously Ventilating Patients Shock. 2017 Jul 19. doi: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000000951. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28727606.

Project Snapshot – CRIC

Children’s Rules for Imaging the Cervical Spine

Recruiting site

Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital


CRIC has a total of 1011 participants enrolled.

Recruitment stats

  • 1011 enrolled
  •     24 excluded
  •     20 refused
  •       4 missed  

Recruitment completed


  CRIC is currently in the data analysis stage, expecting some preliminary findings over the next couple of months.







PREDICT membership update – 2 weeks left

Only 2 weeks left to update your existing membership information.  A link to the database was emailed by Cate Wilson on 1/8/17 and the process only take 2 minutes.

Once the form is submitted, your membership is automatically renewed and valid until September 2019.

If the form is not completed by 12/09/2017, we will assume that you no longer wish to remain a member and will remove you from our contact list so please respond promptly to ensure your membership data remains up-to-date.

October members meeting reservations

If you require accommodation at the Marriott Resort Surfers Paradise for the upcoming members meeting in October please email Marian to advise your requirements.  Enough rooms have been reserved at the Marriott to accommodate sponsored and unsponsored members and Marian is currently compiling a rooming list which will be submitted closer to the date.

A reminder to members who have sponsored flights to advise Marian as soon as possible of your requirements to ensure best possible prices can be obtained.