New PREDICT publication

The following new PREDICT publication is now available:

Oakley E., Carter R., Murphy B., Borland M., Neutze J., Acworth J., Krieser D., Dalziel S., Davidson A., Donath S., Jachno K., South M., Babl FE., Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments International Collaborative (PREDICT). Economic evaluation of nasogastric versus intravenous hydration in infants with bronchiolitis. Emerg Med Australas. 2016 Dec 22. doi: 10.1111/1742-6723.12713. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28004493. link

Claiming reimbursements

To assist with the accuracy of our budget monitoring, can all members including executive, please claim for reimbursements within three months of incurring the expense.  Any claims submitted after this time will no longer be processed. Thank you for your help.



KT Bronchiolitis Study – Train the Trainer Day

Who can attend?

This event is a one day training session for clinical leads involved in the PREDICT Knowledge Translation Bronchiolitis Study only.

Only sites randomised to the intervention will be required to attend.
We require at least two staff (one nursing and one medical) and ideally all of the staff in clinical lead roles to attend (4 leads).

Date & Time

Friday 24/2/17 from (8.30 registration) 9.00am – 4.00pm


Vernon Collins Theatre, Room 1.050,
Health Education and Learning Precinct (HELP), Level 1,
Royal Children’s Hospital,
50 Flemington Road, Melbourne.
See Map attached.


The finalised agenda is to be confirmed and will be emailed when available.


Attendance is free but members must register for the event using Trybooking at:


A PREDICT members dinner will be held on Thursday evening 9/3/17 at The Seamstress Restaurant & Bar in the City, at 113 Lonsdale St, Melbourne. This restaurant offers modern Asian cuisine and we have secured a banquet for $65pp.  Our table is booked for 7.45pm.  Please indicate if you will be attending the dinner via Trybooking (see “Registration” for details).

Payment of $80 per person (which allows $15 for drinks) must be made prior to the dinner as we will be charged for the number booked, regardless of numbers attending on the night. The deadline for payment is 8/3/17.  New Zealand members to pay Marian or Cate on the night with the correct money please.  Again, no shows will still be charged so it is really important that you are planning to attend if you have indicated that on the Trybooking registration.


PREDICT will cover the costs of accommodation and airfare for all eligible attendees.  Lunch, morning and afternoon tea will be provided on the day however additional meals (including breakfast) WILL NOT be provided or reimbursed.

Taxis:  PREDICT will reimburse the cost of taxi fares from Tullamarine Airport to RCH and return but fares from home to the airport and return WILL NOT be reimbursed. We encourage you to use maxi cabs on the trip from RCH to Tullamarine.  Marian will have cabcharge vouchers available on the day for this purpose.

Airport parking: Fees WILL NOT be reimbursed.

We appreciate your understanding regarding the reimbursement of costs for this event as the budget is very tight at this stage.


Rooms have been reserved at a corporate rate at The Larwill Hotel which is conveniently located next door to the hospital.  Please email with your name, mobile number and IN/OUT dates. Please DO NOT contact the hotel yourself. To reserve your booking you must email your request NO LATER than TUESDAY 7/2/17.  After this date the rooms will be released and pricing and availability will no longer be guaranteed.

You may book accommodation elsewhere yourself and be reimbursed at a maximum limit of $200 per night.  Any additional costs incurred such as meals or mini bar are to be paid on checkout by the individual.

It is expected that most members will require a one night stay (the night before on 23/2/17).  If you feel that your circumstances require an additional night, please contact Marian to obtain authorisation prior to booking.


Corporate Traveller, the MCRI official booking agent will handle flight bookings.  Please complete the travel authorisation form making sure to enter flight numbers and/or clear instructions of departure times required.  Email the completed form to and Marian will forward your request to the booking agent.  You will receive booking confirmation directly from Corporate Traveller.  If you have to change your booking, please DO NOT contact Corporate Traveller directly but email or phone Marian to obtain authorisation.  If preferred you may also book your own flights and request a reimbursement. Fares must be cheapest available at time of booking.

You are required to participate in the full day program which concludes at 4.00pm.  Please consider this when booking your return flight – allowing for peak hour traffic, freeway works and the general Friday night mayhem.


Accommodation and flights will be charged directly to PREDICT if your book through Marian as outlined above.  If you do your own bookings or want to claim taxi fares please complete a Reimbursement form 2016-6-03 and ensure ORIGINAL receipts are attached.  Photocopies will not be accepted.  Reimbursement forms will also be available from Marian on the day.  Please lodge one claim only for all expenses by 23/4/2017.  Claims will not be reimbursed after this date.


Please contact on telephone 03 9936 6049. 

Wrap it up for 2016!

Merry Christmas from PREDICT

2016 has been a year of growth and productivity for the network. Thank you to all members and collaborators for helping to bring about the following achievements:

  • 12 Journal publications and 19 conference presentations
  • 5 successful grant applications
  • Completion of Australasian Bronchiolitis Guidelines
  • Made significant progress in our current studies
  • Collaborated with researchers from PICUs, Neurology, ENT, General Paediatrics, Neuropsychology and Respiratory Medicine
  • Welcomed 19 new members to the network from several new sites
  • Established research links with another 28 hospitals across Australia and New Zealand – in addition to the 14 foundation PREDICT sites
  • Collaborated internationally with researchers from other paediatric emergency medicine networks – PERC, PECARN, PEM CRC, PERUKI, REPEM, PERN
  • Held two well attended and stimulating members meetings in Brisbane and Melbourne
  • Dr Nate Kuppermann from California visited the network in Melbourne and Queensland
  • Continued to mentor 5 PREDICT research higher degree students
  • Established the CRE Training-lab and co-produced 12 pod-casts
  • Appointed a Knowledge Translation Co-ordinator – Emma Tavender
  • Co-funded two Regional Research Co-ordinators, Kelly Foster in QLD, and Inas Hanna in NSW
  • Awarded a PREDICT prize at ACEM – won by Jono Kaufman
  • Completed a 5 year strategic plan for PREDICT
  • Voted in the next PREDICT Executive – welcome Sharon O’Brien
  • Created two one year positions on the PREDICT Executive for a PhD candidate and a Research Assistant – welcome Elliot Long and Kelly Foster
  • Establishment of the PREDICT newsletter


Winner of PREDICT Prize in Paediatric Emergency Medicine

Congratulations to Dr Jonathan Kaufman who took home two awards from the 33rd Australasian College of Emergency Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting in Queenstown held on the 20-24th November.

  • PREDICT Prize in Paediatric Emergency Medicine ($500)
  • Best Paper by a Trainee Award

The awards acknowledge Dr Kaufman’s recently completed Quick-Wee randomised control trial which aims to develop an improved and pragmatic method of urine collection that is reliable for clinicians, gentle for children, and practical to use in busy clinical environments and in resource limited settings.

Project Snapshot – BellPIC


BellPIC currently has 32 patients enrolled (as at 21st November 2016).

Recruitment stats

  • 33 enrolled
  • 16 excluded
  • 50 ineligible
  • 18 refused
  • 3 missed




  • Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne – 17 enrolled
  • Monash Medical Centre – 3 enrolled
  • Princess Margaret Hospital, Perth – 5 enrolled
  • Women’s and Children’s Hospital Adelaide – 3 enrolled
  • Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital – 2 enrolled
  • Children’s Hospital Westmead – 3 enrolled



  • Starship New Zealand
  • Sunshine Hospital
  • John Hunter Hospital
  • Gold Coast University Hospital

No significant issues with the study.

NEWS: Progressing steadily, protocol operating smoothly. The study is 9 participants away from being the largest study in Bell’s palsy ever completed.

Congratulations to Dr Shane George who was successful in applying for funding to the Emergency Medicine Foundation to bring both Townsville Hospital and Logan Hospital on board as new sites for the BellPIC study.



Regional Research Co-ordinator for NSW appointed

Inas Hanna has been appointed to the role of Regional Research Co-ordinator for NSW, working two days per week on Tuesday and Wednesday.

In this role Inas will provide research support for Sydney Children’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital Westmead, John Hunter Hospital and Canberra Hospital for PREDICT studies. She is best contacted on email:, Phone contact details will be available soon.

Welcome Inas.

PREDICT members meeting next week

Date & Time

Monday 5/12/16  (9.30am-5.00pm)
Tuesday 6/12/16 (8.30am-4.00pm)


Vernon Collins Theatre, Room 1.050, Health Education and Learning Precinct (HELP), Level 1, Royal Children’s Hospital, 50 Flemington Road, Melbourne. See Map attached.


Payment must be made prior to the dinner as we will be charged for the number booked, regardless of numbers attending on the night. The deadline for payment is 1/12/16.  New Zealand members to pay Marian or Cate on the night with the correct money please.  Again, no shows will still be charged $60 per head so it is really important that you are planning to attend if you have indicated that on the Trybooking registration.

Payment instructions: Please pay by bank transfer to:
M & M Chandler
BSB: 633 000
ACCT NO: 120935564
Include reference “PREDICT: initial and surname” (eg. PREDICT: C Wilson):


The finalised agenda is available here.

EMF grant success

Congratulations to Shane George and the team who were successful in obtaining a grant from the Emergency Medicine Foundation for the BellPIC study to progress further in Queensland.