Two new papers accepted

The following papers have been accepted:

  • “Bell’s palsy in children: Current treatment patterns in Australia and New Zealand. A PREDICT study” – accepted for publication in the Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health.
  • “Computed tomography for head injuries in children: change in Australian usage rates over time” – accepted for publication in Emergency Medicine Australasia.

Project snapshot – Knowledge Translation Bronchiolitis Study

Knowledge Translation in Australasian Paediatric Acute Care Settings: a multi-centred, cluster, randomised controlled trial comparing a tailored, theory informed Knowledge Translation intervention versus passive dissemination of a bronchiolitis guideline.


HDEC and HREC approval have been obtained in Australia and New Zealand respectively. Active recruitment is occurring across Australasia with randomization of sites to occur in early December.

Site inclusion criteria:

  • Have an ED census of > 135 cases of bronchiolitis per year (<1 year of age)
  • Be willing to participate in control or intervention
  • Agreement of Clinical Directors of both Emergency Department and inpatients
  • Have the ability to audit clinical notes

Recruitment to date:

  • 10 Australian sites confirmed
  • 3 New Zealand sites confirmed
  • Sites are being supported through local governance process

Additionally, 14 Australian and 6 New Zealand sites are in discussion with the research group with initial site visits being arranged.  The study requires 24 sites across Australasia (tertiary, secondary, metropolitan and regional).

If you have any questions or would like information please contact:
Australian sites: Sharon O’Brien Ph: +61 8 9340 7489, Email:
New Zealand Sites: Libby Haskell Ph: +64 21670550, Email

Moving forward

  • Ongoing and proactive recruitment of sites
  • Intervention design and tailoring from findings of qualitative study (see below)
  • Train-the-trainer day (for intervention sites) will occur late February 2017
  • Intervention at sites after training day

Qualitative Knowledge Translation Bronchiolitis Study

Understanding practice: factors that influence bronchiolitis management in Australasian paediatric acute care settings – a qualitative study using the Theoretical Domains Framework.

The findings from this study will be used to inform and tailor KT interventions for the cluster randomised controlled trial.

Enrolment and interviews

  • Four hospitals (two in Australia and two in New Zealand) have been recruited
  • 19 interviews completed across both countries (medical and nursing in metropolitan and regional hospitals) with two interviews left to complete
  • Analysis underway with completion by end November 2016

PREDICT Members meeting 5th & 6th December 2016

This is a face to face meeting for members of the PREDICT network (Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments International Collaborative) and invited guests.

Date & Time

Monday 5/12/16  (9.30am-5.00pm)
Tuesday 6/12/16 (8.30am-4.00pm)


Vernon Collins Theatre, Room 1.050, Health Education and Learning Precinct (HELP), Level 1, Royal Children’s Hospital, 50 Flemington Road, Melbourne. See Map attached.


A PREDICT members dinner will be held on 5/12/16 at Criniti’s in Carlton, a pleasant 20 minute walk from the Larwill Hotel. This restaurant offers southern Italian cuisine and we have secured a 3 course Christmas banquet for $60pp which is excellent value.  Our table is booked for 7.30pm.  Please indicate if you will be attending the dinner via Trybooking (see “Registration” for details).

Payment must be made prior to the dinner as we will be charged for the number booked, regardless of numbers attending on the night. The deadline for payment is 1/12/16.  New Zealand members to pay Marian or Cate on the night with the correct money please.  Again, no shows will still be charged $60 per head so it is really important that you are planning to attend if you have indicated that on the Trybooking registration.

Payment instructions: Please pay by bank transfer to:
M & M Chandler
BSB: 633 000
ACCT NO: 120935564
Include reference “PREDICT: initial and surname” (eg. PREDICT: C Wilson):

Who can attend?

All PREDICT members and associated guests are welcome to attend.


The finalised agenda is available here.


Attendance is free but members must register for the event and dinner using Trybooking at:


PREDICT will cover the expenses (accommodation and airfare) for one member from each organisation involved in PREDICT research to attend.  Additional members attending from the same site will be required to cover expenses using alternative funding sources.  (Please note: incidentals such as taxi fares, airport parking fees, meals etc. WILL NOT be covered).


Rooms have been reserved at a corporate rate at The Larwill Hotel, which is very conveniently located next door to the hospital.   If you would like to book a room at The Larwill, please email with your name, mobile number and IN/OUT dates. Please DO NOT contact the hotel yourself. If you wish to book via Marian at the corporate rate you must email your request NO LATER than FRIDAY 11TH NOVEMBER 2016.  After this date the rooms will be released and pricing and availability will no longer be guaranteed.

Alternatively, you may also book accommodation elsewhere yourself and be reimbursed at a maximum limit of $200 per night for the room rate.   It is expected that most members will require a two night stay.  If you require additional nights, please contact Marian to obtain authorisation if you require reimbursement.  Any additional costs incurred such as meals or mini bar are to be paid on checkout by the individual.


Corporate Traveller, the MCRI official booking agent will handle flight bookings if we are funding your attendance.  Please complete the travel authorisation form making sure to enter flight numbers and/or clear instructions of departure times required.  Email the completed form to and Marian will forward your request to the booking agent.  You will receive booking confirmation directly from Corporate Traveller.  If you have to change your booking, please DO NOT contact Corporate Traveller directly but email or phone Marian to obtain authorisation.  You may also book your own flights and request a reimbursement if you prefer.


If PREDICT is funding your attendance, accommodation and flights can be charged directly to PREDICT as outlined above.  If you do your own bookings and require reimbursement, please complete a Reimbursement form 2016-6-03 and ensure ORIGINAL receipts are attached.  Photocopies will not be accepted.


Please contact on telephone 03 9936 6049.


Voting for PREDICT Executive

Our network is due to conduct the 2 yearly vote to select the next PREDICT Executive members.  This year we plan to conduct the vote prior to the December meeting and announce the outcome at the meeting on 6/12/16.

Watch your email for a link to allow you to cast your vote.

ACTA Summit 2016

Australia’s leading clinical investigators will be invited to take part in a national summit to be held at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre on Thursday 24 November, 9.00am – 6:30pm.

The theme of this year’s ACTA summit is:
“IMPACT: Maximising the health and economic benefits of investigator-initiated clinical trials and registries.”

View the Sponsorship prospectus and flyer.


The Virtual Team

Each month we will feature photos of a research team at one of our sites to help put faces to the names we frequently email.  This month meet the research team at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Adelaide. Thanks to Gaby for some great photography,

Nurse James McIntosh
Nurse Isabelle Taylor
Dr Davinder Gill


Publications and Presentations

Abstract presented by Susan Montgomery at the Townsville Hospital and Health Service Research Week Symposium 2016
Babl F, Borland M, Phillips N., Kochar A., Dalton S., McCaskill M, Cheek J., Gilhotra Y., Furyk J., Neutze J, Lyttle M., Bressan S., Donath S., Molesworth C, Jachno K., Ward B., Williams A., Mongomery S, Baylis A, Crowe L., Oakley E., and Dalziel S., Choosing When to Use Computed Tomography in Paediatric Head Injury’, Townsville Hospital and Health Service Research Week Symposium, Townsville. Link

Abstract to be presented at ACEM 2016 by Jeremy Furyk
Furyk J., Ray R, McBain-Rigg K, Fox H, Wilson C, Babl F E, Schibler A., Franklin D., and Dalziel S., ‘Qualitative Evaluation of a Deferred Consent Process in Paediatric Emergency Research’, 33rd ACEM Annual Scientific Meeting, Queenstown, New Zealand, Emergency Medicine Australis  (2016), IN PRESS

Published paper – Donna Franklin
Franklin D., Dalziel S., Schlapbach L. J., Babl F. E., Oakley E., Craig S. S., Furyk J. S., Neutze J., Sinn K., Whitty J. A., Gibbons K., Fraser J., and Schibler A., ‘Early High Flow Nasal Cannula Therapy in Bronchiolitis, a Prospective Randomised Control Trial (Protocol): A Paediatric Acute Respiratory Intervention Study (Paris)’, BMC Pediatr, (2015) 15183. Link


Project Snapshot – PARIS I RCT

Early high flow nasal cannula therapy in bronchiolitis, a randomised controlled trial


Complete (currently data cleaning and analysing)

Recruitment stats

  • 1470 Enrolled/randomised and consented
  • 14 Met exclusion criteria
  • 487 Eligible missed
  • 37 Declined prospective consent
  • 40 Declined deferred consent
  • 20 Revoked consent

Sites who recruited

  • Queensland regional/metropolitan/tertiary and northern NSW
    • 139  Ipswich Hospital
    • 162  GCUH
    •   63  Caboolture Hospital
    •   79  Nambour Hospital
    •   56  Redcliffe Hospital
    •   30  Redland Hospital
    •   13  The Tweed Hospital
    •   61  The Prince Charles Hospital
    •   52  Logan Hospital
    • 103  Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital
    •   23  Toowoomba Hospital
  • 302  KidzFirst Middlemore Hospital
  • 134  RCH Melbourne
  •   47  Monash Health
  • 139  Starship New Zealand
  •   40  Townsville Hospital
  •   27  Canberra Hospital

Adverse events – 2 x pneumothoraxes’ – one Control and one High Flow arm – without any long term side effects for either child.

Currently data cleaning with all centres involved and commencement of paper writing for main paper.  Obtaining all CRF’s and early warning tools to analyse enrolment and escalation parameters.  Will then proceed to working on additional paper writing.

PARIS II Pilot Trial has commenced at Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital on 20th June 2016 with 108 enrolments to date.  Aim is for 610 enrolments.  Have been successful with Thrasher Research Funding and will look at expanding Pilot Trial to other centres.