PREDICT Members Meeting 3rd June 2016

The meeting was well attended with 30 participants representing 13 different research centres. Many projects were discussed, be they complete, in progress or in development and awaiting funding.

A dinner was held at Aquitaine Brasserie where members enjoyed some great food and a chance to catch up with each other.

Meeting minutes and presentations are now available in the members log in section of the website at:

The next PREDICT teleconference is on 14th September 2016.
The next PREDICT face to face meeting will be held at the RCH on 5th & 6th December 2016.




The Virtual Team

Each month we will feature photos of a research team at one of our sites to help put faces to the names we frequently email.  This month meet the research team at the Townsville Hospital. Thanks to Hayley for the excellent photography,

Left: Dr Luke Burman, ED Specialist and Researcher.  Right: Dr Jeremy Furyk, ED Specialist and Researcher.
Haylee Fox, Research Assistant.
Left: Susan Montgomery (Monty), Research Assistant.  Right: Leonie Jones, Research Assistant.
Susan Montgomery, Research Assistant



Predict Publications

Have you submitted an abstract or given a presentation on behalf of PREDICT recently?  If you have not done so already, could you please forward the abstract and presentation details to Cate.

Welcome to the PREDICT newsletter

As part of the PREDICT website improvements we will trial publishing a monthly newsletter which will feature a number of brief news items relevant to what is happening across the PREDICT network.  We will also feature a Project Snapshot – providing a brief update of recent developments on our featured project, which will change each month.

If you have anything newsworthy to report about PREDICT projects you are involved with, please email Cate or Marian with the information and ideally a relevant photo or picture. Let us know about your success stories such as awards, nominations, conference presentations and publications. Introduce us to new staff involved in our projects.

This is our newsletter and we welcome contributions from all of our members.

Project Snapshot – BellPIC


BellPIC currently has 12 patients enrolled as at 20/5/16.

Recruitment stats

  • 12 enrolled
  •  5 excluded
  • 19 ineligible
  •  6 refused
  •  2 missed

Sites currently recruiting

  • RCH – 8 recruited
  • Monash Health – 1 recruited
  • Princess Margaret Hospital, Perth – 3 recruited
  • Starship New Zealand – commenced recruitment 4/4/16
  • Women’s and Children’s Hospital Adelaide- commenced recruitment 15/04/16
  • Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital- commenced recruitment 25/04/16

Sites soon to commence (May 2016)

  • Children’s Hospital Hospital Westmead
  • John Hunter
  • Gold Coast
  • Western Health- Sunshine

No significant issues with processes, CRFs, follow up system.


Progressing steadily, protocol operating smoothly. The modification approval is finalised and has been forwarded to all sites to submit to their respective governance. Database is ready and will be sent to all sites shortly- access being organised currently.


DELPHI a great success in Cape Town

The PREDICT Delphi poster was a great success at ICEM 2016 in Cape Town, generating lots of interesting feedback.

People were impressed with the use of (HPP) Hanlon Prioritisation Process and the numbers of respondents.  Delegates were very interested to know what PREDICT is planning next and keen to chat about their own Delphi process or comparing experiences with their own Delphi studies.

Franz Babl presented the APHIRST head injury rules data at ICEM in Cape Town. The data was also presented as part of plenary sessions in the trauma and PEM sections as well as at the PEM Marketplace. This was the first time the data had been presented internationally or outside the PREDICT group and it was not clear what reception we would receive.

Overall feedback, both after the presentations and during the Marketplace sessions was very positive. There was also some constructive feedback from our Canadian colleagues who were involved in the derivation of the CATCH rule. This will assist is shaping the messages of the core paper which is now in draft form.

And the final word

“Cape Town – what an amazing city: great views, beautiful weather and yummy seafood”.


Heather Deane presenting the PREDICT Delphi poster at ICEM
Heather Deane presenting the PREDICT Delphi poster at ICEM
Franz Babl presenting APHIRST head injury rules data
Franz Babl presenting APHIRST head injury rules data

Members Meeting – June 2016

This is a face to face meeting for members of the PREDICT network (Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments International Collaborative) and invited guests.

Date & Time

Friday 3rd of June 2016
8.30am – 4.00pm CONFIRMED


Auditorium, Level 7, Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital, 501 Stanley Street, South Brisbane (See map)


A PREDICT dinner will be held the night before our meeting on 2/6/16 and we encourage you to arrive the night before to attend. Please indicate if you will be attending the dinner via Trybooking (see Registration for details).  Restaurant details as follows:

Venue:         Aquitaine Brasserie
Address:      R2 River Quay, Sidon St, Southbank,  Qld.
Arrival time: 7.30pm
Cost:           $50 per head plus drinks – see details below for making full payment by 20/5/16. 

Aquitaine Brasserie is a contemporary river side restaurant and bar situated within the fine dining precinct of River Quay, South Bank. The menu includes a 2 course meal of shared platters (meat and vegetarian options available).  It is a 5 minute walk from Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital and a 10 minute walk from the Sebel South Brisbane hotel.

Payment instructions: Please pay by bank transfer to:
M & M Chandler
BSB: 633 000
ACCT NO: 120935564
Include reference “P: initial and surname” (eg. P: C Wilson):

Who can attend?

All PREDICT members and associated guests are welcome to attend.


Agenda now available.


Attendance is free but members must register for the event and dinner using Trybooking at:


PREDICT will cover the expenses (accommodation and airfare) for one member from each organisation involved in PREDICT research to attend.  Additional members attending from the same site will be required to cover expenses using alternative funding sources.  (Please note that incidentals such as taxi fares, airport parking fees, meals etc. will not be covered).


Rooms have been reserved at a corporate rate at The Sebel South Brisbane, which is a pleasant five minute walk to the hospital.   If you would like to book a room at the Sebel, please email with your name, mobile number and IN/OUT dates required, Please DO NOT contact the hotel yourself. If you wish to book via Marian at the corporate rate you must email your request NO LATER THAN 17th MAY 2016.  After this date the rooms will be released and pricing and availability will no longer be guaranteed.

Alternatively, you may also book accommodation elsewhere yourself and be reimbursed at a maximum limit of $200 per night for the room rate.   It is expected that most members will require a one night stay only on 2/6/16.  If you require 2 nights, please contact Marian to obtain authorisation if you require reimbursement.  Any additional costs incurred such as meals or mini bar are to be paid on checkout by the individual.


Corporate Traveller, the MCRI official booking agent will handle flight bookings if we are funding your attendance.  Please complete the travel authorisation form making sure to enter flight numbers and/or clear instructions of departure times required.  Email the completed form to and Marian will forward your request to the booking agent.  You will receive booking confirmation directly from Corporate Traveller.  If you have to change your booking, please DO NOT contact Corporate Traveller directly but email or phone Marian to obtain authorisation.  You may also book your own flights and request a reimbursement if you prefer.


If PREDICT is funding your attendance, accommodation and flights can be charged directly to PREDICT as outlined above.  If you do your own bookings and require reimbursement, please complete a Reimbursement form 2016-6-03 and ensure ORIGINAL receipts are attached.  Photocopies will not be accepted.


Please contact on telephone 03 9936 6049.


PREDICT Abstracts accepted for ICEM & PAS 2016

PREDICT Abstracts accepted for ICEM (International Conference on Emergency Medicine) 2016

Babl F, Borland M, Phillips N, Kochar A, Dalton S, Cheek J, Furyk J, Gilhotra Y, Neutze J, Molesworth C, Donath S, Lyttle M, Bressan S, Ward B, Jachno K, Crowe L, Williams A, Oakley E, Dalziel S, Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments International Collaborative [PREDICT] Network, Melbourne, Australia. “Accuracy of PECARN, CATCH and CHALICE Head Injury Decision Rules in Children” 

Wilson C, Johnson D, Oakley E. “Knowledge Translation Studies In Paediatric Emergency Medicine: What Has Been Done And What Works”

Deane H.C, Wilson C.L, Krieser D, Babl F.E, Dalziel S.R, Cheek J.A, Craig S.S, Oakley E, Borland M.T, Cheng N.G, Zhang M, Cottrell E, “Establishing the research priorities of paediatric emergency physicians in Australia & New Zealand: the PREDICT Delphi Study”


PREDICT Abstracts accepted for PAS (Paediatric Academic Societies) 2016

Gardiner K.K, Dalziel S.R, Babl F.E, Kochar A, Krieser D.M, Zhang M, Furyk J, Neutze J.M, Cheek J.A, Sinn K.K, Phillips N.T, George S.A, Borland M, Rao A.S, Cheng N.G, Wilson C.L, and PREDICT Research Network, “Bell’s Palsy In Children: Current Treatment Patterns In Australia And New Zealand, A PREDICT Study”

Babl F, Borland M, Phillips N, Kochar A, Dalton S, Cheek J, Furyk J, Gilhotra Y, Neutze J, Molesworth C, Donath S, Lyttle M, Bressan S, Ward B, Jachno K, Crowe L, Williams A, Oakley E, Dalziel S, Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments International Collaborative [PREDICT] Network, Melbourne, Australia. “Accuracy of PECARN, CATCH and CHALICE Head Injury Decision Rules in Children”

Deane H.C, Wilson C.L, Krieser D, Babl F.E, Dalziel S.R, Cheek J.A, Craig S.S, Oakley E, Borland M.T, Cheng N.G, Zhang M, Cottrell E,  “Establishing the research priorities of paediatric emergency physicians in Australia & New Zealand: the PREDICT Delphi Study” 

Emma Tavender – Knowledge Translation Co-ordinator

Tavender, Emma 038_284166 (Small)Dr Emma Tavender commenced work at the MCRI Emergency Research group in the role of Knowledge Translation Co-ordinator.  Emma’s role involves research in implementation science and developing and implementing strategies for the translation of knowledge into practice in the Paediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) setting.  Emma’s background includes over 15 years with the Cochrane Collaboration as a systematic review author and Managing Editor. Emma has a wealth of knowledge and experience in evidence-based medicine, systematic review methodology and undertaking systematic reviews of complex interventions that aim to change professional and organizational behavior. Emma’s research interests, that formed part of her PhD, include understanding health professional behavior and developing targeted, theory-informed interventions to increase the uptake of evidence in the ED setting.