Latest PREDICT publications

Please see five new PREDICT publications that are now available.

Krieser D, and Kochar A., ‘Paediatric Procedural Sedation within the Emergency Department’, J Paediatr Child Health, (2016) 52 (2), 197-203.

Craig S., and Dalton S., ‘Diagnosing Appendicitis: What Works, What Does Not and Where to from Here?’, J Paediatr Child Health, (2016) 52 (2), 168-73.

Starr M, Babl F, and Isaacs D, ‘Paediatric Emergency Medicine’, J Paediatr Child Health, (2016) 52 (2), 103-04.

Long E, and Duke T, ‘Fluid Resuscitation Therapy for Paediatric Sepsis’, J Paediatr Child Health, (2016) 52 (2), 141-46.

Wilson CL, Johnson D. W., and Oakley E., ‘Knowledge Translation Studies in Paediatric Emergency Medicine: A Systematic Review of the Literature’, Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, (2016) 52 (2), 112-25.


Kelly Foster – Research Development Manager

KFoster_2016-03-04Kelly Foster has been appointed to the role of Research Development Manager by QEMRF and will also support PREDICT studies in Queensland. The focus of Kelly’s role is to provide leadership and support for paediatric emergency medicine research, to facilitate multi-disciplinary collaborations and to translate new knowledge gained into improved clinical practice for paediatric emergencies.

Kelly’s background includes working as a specialist paediatric nurse and researcher for over 15 years in the areas of emergency and critical care.  She is a current member of a human research ethics committee and is able to support and assist with all aspects of research from conception to translation.

Combined Study Meeting – February 16&17th, 2016

PREDICT research teams for the BellPIC, PARIS High Flow and ConSEPT studies met at the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute (MCRI) in Melbourne for some general and study specific research education.  We learnt a lot from each other and it was a great opportunity to meet beyond the virtual world!  We hope to hold further meetings like this on an annual basis.  Please find attached presentations from the day.
Agenda RA Study Day Melbourne Feb 2016
HREC_PREDICT Presentation_16 02 16

Bells palsy RA education Part 1&2
ConSEPT_Study SpecificsTrial6
1_PARIS_Study Specifics_2016-02-17
1_Study Education_Study Startup
2_Study Progress_Communication_Study Fatigue 



PREDICT website improvements

You may notice some subtle improvements to the PREDICT website navigation, search ability and appearance – particularly if you are viewing the site on a small device. Also, we now have the capacity to post brief news items on our home page, which will be updated each couple of weeks.  Please contact Marian if you have a news item to share.